Get creative with your phone camera

Get creative with your phone camera.jpg

Phone camera’s already "outsell" regular digital camera’s, but mobile operators notice hardly any difference in their mobile data ARPU. How come? A lot of research has been published already about the root causes: complexity of the service, user interface, costs of a MMS, lack of a killer application etc. Seems that users actually have become quite creative in using their mobile phone camera for day-to-day applications that do not require any network connection:

  • Remember where you parked your car

  • Record the opening hours of that new store

  • Document your favorite haircut

  • …and many more household applications can be found here at 43 Folders

With all those new applications and tariffs for mobile data coming down, there must be hope for the telco’ s of this world that at some point in time people will want to share that offline creativity with their remote friends and family. Slow adoption from a mobile operator’s perspective, but compare the progress made since those good old days of the first black-and-white camera’s!

Juliette Schraauwers

Juliette Schraauwers is oprichter van Brand it forward & NOWschool. Ze studeerde in 2012 af aan de Design Academy Eindhoven, Man & Communication. Met meer dan 10 jaar ervaring in duurzame & sociale merkstrategie en design weet ze hoe ze echte verandering kan creëren.

Dankzij haar brede interesse wordt zij als het ware onderdeel van jouw organisatie. Problemen ziet zij als uitdagingen waar altijd een oplossing voor is. Juliette werkt parttime vanuit Nederland en een deel van het jaar vanuit het buitenland of onderweg in haar zelfbouw Camper-kantoor.

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