First toe in the water…

First toe in the water.jpg

And here we are, first post at I have had this Internet domain as "early" as 1999 but up to now not used the webspace coming with it. I realised in 1999 that having your lastname as an Internet domain represents some value: each family member a truly personal email address for life. Fortunately, the name Deelman is not very common in the Netherlands or elsewhere, so it was not that tough to hunt it. Today, Google generates some 20,300 hits for "deelman". There is a remote Deelman family member who put up a well functioning website at where you can find the digital pedigree of the Deelman family in the Netherlands – in case you would want to know all about the Deelman heritage (?). Getting in 1999 with Euronet Internet costed me NLG 450 per year, over 200 Euros. Now in 2004 with ISP 123XS, I pay about half that amount for a far better service. Technology has brought us many benefits, hopefully the spam filters and security shields will keep up with that pace…

Juliette Schraauwers

Juliette Schraauwers is oprichter van Brand it forward & NOWschool. Ze studeerde in 2012 af aan de Design Academy Eindhoven, Man & Communication. Met meer dan 10 jaar ervaring in duurzame & sociale merkstrategie en design weet ze hoe ze echte verandering kan creëren.

Dankzij haar brede interesse wordt zij als het ware onderdeel van jouw organisatie. Problemen ziet zij als uitdagingen waar altijd een oplossing voor is. Juliette werkt parttime vanuit Nederland en een deel van het jaar vanuit het buitenland of onderweg in haar zelfbouw Camper-kantoor.

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