Benelux Techtour

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Last week I had the privilege of participating in the Benelux Techtour: an event where  a selection of 24 “promising technology companies” from the Benelux meet with “60 senior representatives from VC funds, leading corporations and institutional investors”.
Being selected with my company Qelp as one of the 24 “winners”, I was invited to attend a great networking dinner at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. The COO of a tiny start-up from Luxembourg called Skype, explained us in his key-note speech how they became so successful. On Wednesday the Techtour left Amsterdam by boat for Utrecht and 8 selected technology companies including yours truly delivered a presentation to the investors. While I am not actively looking for venture capital right now, the event was an excellent networking opportunity to refresh some existing contacts and get some new buscards from investors, entrepreneurs, press and even a few potential customers. Compliments to Coen van Duiven and Ron Belt for putting this event together in their "spare" time. Coverage on the event can a.o. be found in Het Financieele Dagblad and De Telegraaf (both in Dutch).

Juliette Schraauwers

Juliette Schraauwers is oprichter van Brand it forward & NOWschool. Ze studeerde in 2012 af aan de Design Academy Eindhoven, Man & Communication. Met meer dan 10 jaar ervaring in duurzame & sociale merkstrategie en design weet ze hoe ze echte verandering kan creëren.

Dankzij haar brede interesse wordt zij als het ware onderdeel van jouw organisatie. Problemen ziet zij als uitdagingen waar altijd een oplossing voor is. Juliette werkt parttime vanuit Nederland en een deel van het jaar vanuit het buitenland of onderweg in haar zelfbouw Camper-kantoor.

The world is flat, a visa can be helpful…


Time to blog!